Call for proposals - COVID-19 and human rights

Call for proposals - COVID-19 and human rights

February 8, 2021

Leaving no one Behind- Safeguarding human rights and protecting vulnerable groups

Background and overview of the assignment

The COVID-19 crisis continues to expose challenges related to governance and service delivery capacities at central and local levels, while presenting significant risks on the human rights and social cohesion/peace dimensions. At the same time, the crisis presents an opportunity to “build back better” and UNDP’s COVID-19 response in this area will be a critical line of support both during the immediate response and recovery phases.

The aim of this initiative is to raise awareness and strengthen the capacities of national and local authorities (municipalities) , Human Rights Defenders and NGOs related to  integrate human rights approach in the epidemic response policies to ensure that COVID-19 responses address stigma, discrimination, gender, GBV and human rights concerns which lead to reducing the risk to vulnerable populations, including migrants, IDPs, women, refugees, prisoners and detainees.

Duties and Responsibilities

The project proposals are expected to cover the following deliverables:

  • Organize activities focusing on:
  •     Providing policy and technical support to national (relevant line ministries) and local (municipalities) governments on the human rights dimensions of public health related laws, policies and practices adopted to prevent, control and treat incidents of COVID-19.
  •     Reducing the risk to vulnerable populations, including migrants, IDPs, refugees, prisoners, detainees and corrections officials
  •     Strengthening human rights-based approaches to COVID19 response by working with National Human Rights Defenders and NGOs especially those targeting discrimination or supporting marginalized and excluded populations, especially women, migrants, IDPs and refugees.
  • The CSOs are fully responsible for implementing and organizing the training, including provision of any materials, software, and online training facilities.
  • In the event that professional trainers and facilitators will be employed, CVs and candidates selected to be discussed with UNDP.
  • All implemented activities to be held inside Libya.
  • Propose an evaluation mechanism to measure the impact of the project activities and suggest future needs for substantial follow-up.
  • Recommendations to be submitted at the end of the project for future follow up.


The project will be taking place over a period of 3 months. A detailed work plan, including all activities and budget, shall be submitted to UNDP.

For detailed information about the submission process download the Terms of Reference.


Project proposals to be sent and